Families do well with facing physical challenges. These challenges can be some of the best memories a kid will have when they grow up. Camping and hiking are some of the least expensive and healthiest activities a family can do.
We love camping and hiking as a family but we think that if you are going to start camping and hiking, you need some tips to make it fun for your kids as well:
Remember Basic Needs: enough food, water and clothing and plan rest times.
Limit Inconveniences: Plan ahead for weather and bring necessary gear for rain or sun so that the kids are comfortable during the hike.
Find the activity you like: Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t like because the kids will know and they won't have fun either. If you like hiking, go hiking; don’t make yourself go camping or canoeing if it’s not your favorite activity.
Location: Vary your destination and make sure to choose locations based on the weather and which ones are the most fun for everyone.
Add Joy: Add elements into your trip that you enjoy, like a swim in a waterfall or a rock climb. Doing things you look forward to will add extra fun for the kids as well.
Moments of Wonder: Nature and the outdoors can inspire our spiritual natures and kids will benefits from this long term.
Special Goals for Hiking: Outdoor games and buying kids their own backpacks or outdoor gear can get them to buy-in on the hiking process and helps them to take ownership of events.