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Choosing Your Chiropractor......

I have often heard this phrase, “Oh, I tried chiropractic but it didn’t work.” Well the research and millions of people would tell you different, but rather than respond that way I prefer this response, “Well you have had a bad haircut before right? try a different chiropractor.” But then a true “Smarty pants” would say; “How do I know the one to try?” This is the exact question I am hoping to address in this blog.

First of all, the first step in choosing a chiropractor is finding one that works for your body. Let me give you an example; we are classically known for our manual adjustments that come with a pop sound, but you have tried this and just ended up sore for days and now you almost have a pseudo-PTSD about going again? This visit could have been too rough or a technique was used on a body type that simply couldn’t handle the treatment. All bodies are born with what I call a muscle sensitivity gradient: some patients need a crow-bar and some need a feather in terms of pressure and technique options and when you mix these up, the patient doesn’t do very well. Most of us humans are somewhere in the middle of muscle sensitivity, we need medium to firm massage & not true deep-deep tissue massage.

What are the best ways to find an office when you move or want to start seeing a chiropractor? Please answer honestly the following questions about yourself.

  1. When I get a massage what pressure is usually best for my body? Very Firm, Medium Firm or light firm pressure?

  2. Do I mind hearing joint release sounds from my body? This is the popping sound we are so famous for.

  3. What is the reason I am seeking chiropractic care? Injury, Pregnancy, maintenance care, neurologic issues, pediatric, and/or chronic illness.

  4. Do I need nutritional help and general medicine help?

Once you have nailed down the questions above, here is how to call an office and vet out the best choice for your families needs.

  1. What ages does the Doctor see? (Some chiropractors don’t see newborns and this is important to know). If the staff says “all ages” ask specifically newborns and babies, elderly adults over 70 years old?

  2. What does a typical treatment look? How long does the doctor spend with patients?

    1. You are asking…Does the doctor only do adjustment; does they do muscle work?

    2. What technique is the doctor known for or do they use many different techniques?

  3. Does the doctor do primary care or functional medicine?

    1. If you want an office that does primary care issues and supplements as well adjustments you should ask this question.

    2. If you want the doctor to use lab testing or muscle testing please ask which they do?

  4. Cost is important to discuss so ask if the office is cash or insurance based?

    1. Can we use our Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Savings Account (FSA)?

    2. What is the actual cost of a first office visit and a follow up regular office visits?

The above are the basic questions to ask in looking for an office for your family. Make sure you look at online reviews as well.

**For patients of ours who have moved away - I want to put a special dedication section to you and thank you for trusting us with your family’s health for so many years. As a gift to you I am going to put a few questions down to help you find an office like ours, if that is your wish.

  1. Our Office visits:

    1. Time: 20-30 minutes

    2. Technique: Diversified, Thompson Drop, Activator, SOT, Craniosacral, Graston, Myofascial therapy, Gonstead, Quantum Neurology, Functional Taping, extremity work as well as spinal work.

    3. All visits have a combination of adjustment to the joints as well as muscle work to help the adjustments hold in place.

    4. Functional Medicine (which we can still do over telemedicine if you want) we do primary care assessment to help your health and healing no matter if it is through supplements or sending you to the right doctor to get a matter handled.

The last thing to look for is a doctor’s office that loves their patients as much as we do. We wish you great success finding a wonderful office where your care and health are a priority. By using the information in this blog, your search for a new chiropractic office will go much smoother.

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Lisa Walker
Lisa Walker
Jun 20, 2022

Very informative! Thank you!

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