Bridget Eding 09/10/1973 to 06/01/2021

Bridget Eding Passed away yesterday June 1, 2021 suddenly, she will be missed so very greatly.
Bridget began her career at San Jose Athletic Club, where she worked for 4 1/2 Years, and then continued to The Sanctuary Spa at Courtside Club where she practiced massage for 10 years.
She opened her own business, Just B. Massage, in 2008 with the aim of providing excellent and specific bodywork to a wide range of clients. This is when Bridget and I first became acquainted while I worked at Los Gatos Chiropractic & Wellness. Bridget rented space there.
I loved working with Bridget and co-treating patients together. She was so intuitive on what the root cause of a patient’s ailments were. Dr. Walker would tell Bridget, “The patient has a shoulder issue, do your thing.” She never had to be specific cause Bridget would find it and relieve the pain whether in the neck, shoulder, or lower back
Bridget had a philosophy about massage that worked so well for so many patients in her own words she would say, “Each client's massage experience should be about what feels effective for them, not what hurts the most. If you are receiving deep muscle work, your body should also feel safe and supported, allowing for a more lasting and integrated result.”
Bridget’s passing is felt deeply because she was my friend and gave me some of the best words of life advice even as a young doctor which helped me be the person I am today. I will also miss her professionally as I loved working with her clients and sending my patients to her because she took such great care of them. Some people make a mark on your life you can never etch out or erase, nor would you want to; in this case I was blessed to have her in my life. I used to call her “My wise flamingo” since she was so colorful in life whether in her art or written word.
Her clients can call her mother Barbara and Joe Eding who will be doing appointment cancelling at We will share more info as we have it on the Memorial and ways to honor Bridget.
With all my Love to my dear Friend.
Dr. Walker
So sorry for your loas..