So what do you do when mom get’s sick?
I don’t get sick very often and usually I don’t ever get sick enough to be non-functional. But this year I did get that sick, really sick and not able to get out of bed. I don’t have my mom or sisters and brothers that live locally. So - what does a working mom of two little girls do? I am here to share my tips and tricks for how to prevent a meltdown so dad doesn’ t have to take gobs of time off when you crash.
1. Find a babysitter that has a flexible schedule. College students are usually a good choice, because they have classes at different times of the day so they have more time off which can give you relief. Find them ahead of time and try them out for date nights so you already know them and trust them. Sometimes knowing 2 baby sitters is even better.
2. Pre-sign up for Doordash - have a few restaurant take out menu’s at home so that friends can help out and go pick up food for you. Pre-highlight them with your favorite items to order so they don’t have to guess.
3. Amazon Prime Membership or Google Fresh. They can drop food and pantry items to your door so a working husband has food to cook for dinner and toilet paper without having to take time to go grocery shopping. These two sites can usually have a 30 day trial if you are not currently a member.
4. Make Friends. Friendship is good for the soul and they can also help you watch kids or make a food run and everyone needs a pick me up WITH the benefit of seeing a good friend. This must be done before your illness since you can’t order a friend on Amazon.
5. Stock your medicine cabinet. I fill our medicine cabinet with homeopathic remedies as well as some, essential oils and herbal remedies. One of my favorite homeopathic remedies for cold and flu is Belladona 30c.
6. Get Rest. This requires no planning but when that babysitter does get there, don’t sit down to work at your computer or binge watch your show, go to bed and sleep. Your body needs time to heal to function and fight off the infection so let it rest.
7.See your Herbal Medicine Practitioner. Go see your acupuncturist or family practice chiropractor. An adjustment can boost the immune system and acupuncture can help clear a stuffy head. Not to mention the wonderful herbal biotics and anti-virals they have available to speed your healing.